During the large part of the history, excess weight was not a problem for most of the people. The reason is that gaining weight was never as easy as it is today. Because of the production and processing technologies we have developed, today, it is very easy to consume calories much more than we need. Because of this, we encounter problems like excess weight and obesity. The reason why some people want to lose weight is they want their body to look the way they like. For some others, on the other hand, losing weight means staying alive and extending life. Excess weight causes many health issues in addition to making the life difficult. But how can one lose weight? Although new miraculous methods are announced daily in traditional media and social media, there are actually a few important points which people who want to lose weight should be careful about. The rest depends on the life style and preferences of each person. The golden rule which people who want to lose weight should always remember: Consume less calory than you burn, or burn more calory than you consume. In this article, we will talk about a few important points which can help you on your weight loss journey.
How to Lose Weight
Step 1: Consume Less Calory
Today, consuming calories is very easy. High calory foods which doesn’t cause feeling of satiety, deserts full of sugar, unhealthy snacks… If you want to lose weight, you should be aware of how much calory you consume, and you should be planned. Our bodies are inclined to store the calories it can’t burn as fats. That means if you consume more than you burn, let alone losing weight, you can’t stop gaining weight. But if you don’t know how much calory you consume, it is impossible to control your calory intake. You should know the calories of everything you eat or drink. You can learn the calory content of packaged food from their packages. For the calory content of natural food (meat, fruits, vegetable etc.), you can find tables online.
Step 2: Eat More Fiber
Consuming less calory doesn’t mean consuming less food and being starved. The reason why processed foods such as white bread and pasta cause gaining weight is that these foods does nor have fibers and their calory content is too high. Fibers in fruits, vegetables and whole grains make you feel full, although you consume less calory. Not feeling hungry when you ate less calory will make it psychologically easy to maintain this eating order.
Step 3: Eat Mindfully
Today’s impatient and distracting world causes us to consume more than we need. For example, if you eat fast, your brain gets late to form the satiety signals. You will consume much more than you need until you realize that you are full. Watching movies or TV shows while you are eating and eating on foot also make it harder to monitor how much you eat. For a more mindful eating experience, slowly eat while sitting and do not watch TV.
Step 4: Exercise
As we mentioned before, the golden rule of losing weight is to burn more calories than you consume. Of course, it is important to eat less calory. However, increasing the number of calories you burn is equally significant. To lose weight, not to gain weight, and to improve your physical health, exercise regularly. The best exercise plan depends on your lifestyle and needs. However the mildest exercise plan is better than doing nothing.